FarmReady: New and Improved Navigation

Written by Matt Collins
Published 7 months ago

We’ve just released an update to the main navigation in FarmReady. Not only do we think the new design looks great, but it makes it much quicker to navigate around FarmReady’s Apps and Settings.

Web Navigation

We’ve removed the App Selector that was previously available at the top of the main navigation. This has been replaced with a new sidebar navigation.

FarmReady Sidebar Navigation

  1. Location Picker: Click on the Pin icon button to switch between locations (Only visibile if you are connected to multiple locations).
  2. Apps: Click on each App icon to open Bolt, Cart or Shed.
  3. Help: Click on the Question mark icon to open the FarmReady Help site.
  4. Settings: Click on the Cog icon to open settings for your FarmReady account.
  5. Profile: CLick on the Person icon to open your personal settings
  6. Talk to Us: Click on the Chat Bubble icon to get support from our team.
  7. Theme Picker: Click on the Moon or Sun Icon to toggle between light or dark mode.

Mobile Navigation

The Navigation on Mobile has also been improved: FarmReady Mobile Navigation

  1. Main Menu: Click on the Menu button to open the main navigation for the currently selected App (Shed, Cart, Bolt, Settings, Profile).
  2. Apps: Click on the Apps button to switch between Shed, Cart or Bolt.
  3. Location Picker: Click on the Pin icon button to switch between locations (Only visibile if you are connected to multiple locations).
  4. More: Click on the ... Button to more settings and options.